Saturday, August 18, 2012

cool background

cool background

cool background

Technology develops more every year. If we make a comparison between what we have now and what was a few years ago we would be amazed how many new things were invented. Since computers were released on the market people went crazy. Nowadays everyone has a computer or a laptop at home. The internet provides you with endless information, you can find anything online, from pictures to websites, to restaurant locations, to phone numbers , to movies to anything that comes across your mind.

A computer includes a keyboard, a mouse, a unit, a screen and so on. We have computers everywhere: at home, at school, at work etc. At work people can`t personalize their computer because it`s a office supply and you can`t make it your own. But personal computers are probably the only things that contain your most intimate things. For example many people have on their computers pictures, movies they like, documents they wrote and so on. If you enter in someone`s computer you will probably find out many things about that person.

Each one of us, that owns a computer has on the desktop a Cool Background. Backgrounds are the pictures people set to appear when the computer is open. There are millions of Cool Backgrounds from which you can choose. On the internet you can find many pictures that could look great on your desktop. Some people prefer to put a landscape as a background, other want objects, some prefer to put famous people in very sexy positions, but the thing everyone has in common is the fact that the background image is something we like very much.

Cool Backgrounds for girls are for example: flowers, pets, animals, sunny beaches, boys, actors, the wallpaper of a movie etc. Some people just don`t want to have something in the background and leave it empty, chose only a certain colour like blue or black. Boys usually have cool backgrounds that include custom made expensive cars, pictures of engines, football fans have the emblem of their favorite team and so on. Cool Backgrounds are also the pictures we take of ourselves. Many girls and even guys put as a background their best picture. When going to someone`s home, the first thing we see is the desktop background, so it definitely means something.

In the end, Cool Backgrounds are the backgrounds you like. There isn't a certain fashion or trend when it comes to desktop backgrounds. These backgrounds can be changed as often as you want to. Each person has it`s own character and his own preferences. It`s best to set a background that allows you to see also the small icons from your desktop. Choosing a background with a lot of white will make your work on your computer rather hard because you can`t see the icons. In the end, people are free to use any background they like, from porn images to silly things.

cool background

cool background

cool background

cool background

cool background

cool background

cool background

cool background

cool background

cool background

cool background

cool background

cool background

cool background

cool background

cool background

cool background

cool background

cool background

cool background

cool background

cool background

cool background

cool background

cool background

cool background

cool background

cool background

cool background

cool background

cool background

cool background

cool background

cool background

cool background

cool background