Saturday, August 18, 2012

purple abstract pictures

purple abstract pictures

purple abstract pictures

If you have ever thought of creating an abstract painting or you do a lot of abstract work but are looking for new ideas then there are a lot of ways you can think about creating abstract work.

There are two main parts of any abstract work in my opinion and they are colour and form. Creating an abstract painting should be similar to any other painting in terms of the composition - use the rules that you have been taught like the rule of thirds, the golden mean etc to create eye-pleasing work. In terms of the composition itself you can use ideas from real life - perhaps photos that you have taken, clippings from magazines, patterns in materials, floors and nature - to inspire you. Use this just as a rough guide and map out your approximate pattern that you wish to create by pencilling it in on your canvas - you don't have to stick to it but it is good to start you off.

In terms of colour, choose your colours according to the colour wheel - perhaps choose similar colours (blue/purple or orange/red) on the same side of the colour wheel or else opposite colours - for example green and red, purple and yellow etc.

There are many mediums you can use individually or together to form the abstract art. Perhaps try some mixed media with collage or use watercolour paper applied to the painting. Use different types of texture to create interest in the artwork - there are many ways of creating texture and ways of applying the paint. For example, when using acrylic paints you can either apply them straight from the tube or else use them watered down as a glaze. Try using many layers and perhaps adding a glaze at the end and then rubbing some of it off when it is partially dry. This can give a weathered type of effect. You can also sand down some of the painting once the paint has been applied to get a similar effect. Try using acrylic inks for a different effect on the painting.

Another option is to mask off some areas of the painting with masking tape to create patterns of the underlying colour while you paint over the top. Also use things like corrugated card and bubblewrap dipped in paint and applied to the painting to add special effects.

There are really no end of techniques to create abstract artwork and a lot of the techniques are found out by trial, error and often accident, as well as learning techniques from other artists.

purple abstract pictures

purple abstract pictures

purple abstract pictures

purple abstract pictures

purple abstract pictures

purple abstract pictures

purple abstract pictures

purple abstract pictures

purple abstract pictures

purple abstract pictures

purple abstract pictures

purple abstract pictures

purple abstract pictures

purple abstract pictures

purple abstract pictures

purple abstract pictures

purple abstract pictures

purple abstract pictures

purple abstract pictures

purple abstract pictures

purple abstract pictures

purple abstract pictures

purple abstract pictures

purple abstract pictures

purple abstract pictures

purple abstract pictures

purple abstract pictures

purple abstract pictures

purple abstract pictures

purple abstract pictures